Sit and Sew with Kenneth D. King at Gorgeous Fabrics August 9-11, 2024

SKU: KKSitandSew
$995.00 each
4 piece(s) left

Join us for 3 days with The Master: Kenneth D. King!

What are you working on? Do you have a project that has you stopped, and you want to get over that hump? Bring it to Kenneth D. King's 3 Day Sit and Sew Workshop!

In this class, students will bring any garment project(s) for 3 days of sewing, instruction, tips, tricks, and more! I've taken Sit and Sews with Kenneth, and I walk out of there with SO. MUCH. INFORMATION and inspiration. Students work on everything from bustiers and gowns to tailored jackets and more. The class is 3 days, and it's open to men and women of any and all sewing levels. Work on your project, at your pace, and prepared to learn so many things that will take your sewing to the next level. And have I mentioned how much FUN everyone has???
You will need to bring your own sewing machine, or you can contact Ann to arrange a rental machine (there are two loaners available, first come, first served).

This class is open to women and men, age 18 and up. Class size is limited to 12, to allow for lots of personal attention.

Class participants will also receive a discount on any purchases at Gorgeous Fabrics (except muslin, notions, and thread) during the class and for a week afterwards.

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